Some heroes leap a tall building.
Some heroes fly up, up and away.
But in these hard times
The real heroes we find
Are the people who help every day.
I have nothing but love for the nurses.
Overworked. Underpaid. On their own.
They’re on the front lines
In these challenging times,
Working hard while the world stays at home.
I have deep admiration for doctors.
Giving all so we all stay alive.
The pressure is large
But they’re leading the charge To ensure that all people survive.
I’m humbled by healthcare professionals.
Custodians, lab techs, and aides.
The admin staff too,
Thanks for all that you do,
You each deserve raises in spades.
My appreciation for actual experts,
The scientists stating the facts.
Researchers. Biologists.
We move forward 'cause you've got our backs.
Gratitude for grocery store staffers,
Showing up every day without fail. With masks hiding smiles
While restocking aisles
So we can buy pasta and kale.
My respect to the restaurant workers,
Faced with impossible feats. They’ve kept their composure
Through changes and closure To ensure their community eats.
I’m thankful for travel advisors,
Besides us when journeys unravel.
To make cancellations
And protect our vacations, They’re truly the titans of travel.
My esteem for every schoolteacher,
Creating their classes online. Doing what’s prudent
To ensure every student
Still learns and continues to shine.
I’m beholden to bus and truck drivers,
And all the delivery crews.
Who help in the fight,
Driving all day and night
With important supplies, we can use.
My salute to the struggling parents. Take a bow. And always stand tall.
The stay-at-home mothers,
Single parents and others,
Your job is the hardest of all.
I have reverence for all first responders.
I venerate all volunteers.
Anyone sewing masks,
Or doing tough tasks
To solve problems, save lives and shed fears.
To the helpers – we’re forever indebted! Legends in all forms and shapes.
They’ve endured all the onus,
And this virus has shown us,
That true heroes rarely wear capes.
By Adam Lazarus